Today's topic: Netlogon Debug helper Sometimes it can be helpfull to get inforamtion about actions performed by the Netlogon service o...
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Hello All, I wanted to let you know about this feature that seems like an exciting change in Teams. We now have Event based retention on W...
May 03, 2018
The intent was to release the latest update (“Redstone 4” or “RS4”) to Windows 10 during early April, though a late “ blocking bug ” de...
Dnešní útoky na vaše prostředí už nejsou tolik o hackování firewallů, ale spíše o infiltraci do infrastruktury, kde vstupním bodem bývá zdař...
Tip o’ the Week 427 – OneNote roadmap update
May 03, 2018
As has been covered many times previously on ToW , the OneNote app has a lot of fans who love the product and use a lot of its features...
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Leveraging Azure Security Center Capabilities in a PCI DSS Compliant Environment
May 02, 2018
It is important to start this conversation by saying that PCI DSS encompasses more than Azure Security Center, however Security Center plays...
Do you have members of your technical team that need to get a better understanding of Azure? Looking to get one of those certifications to b...
Microsoft TechNet – The Cloud Ready Blog Multi-parte do blog com exemplos para usar como parte de uma simulação de phishing na nova ferrame...
Microsoft TechNet – The Cloud Ready Blog Blog de varias partes con ejemplos para usar como parte de una simulación de phishing en la nueva ...
Blogs de Windows La actualización de Windows 10 de abril 2018 está disponible para los clientes. La implementación global a través de Windo...
Como obter a atualização do Windows 10 abril 2018
May 02, 2018
Windows Blogs A atualização do Windows 10 abril 2018 está disponível para os clientes. A implantação global será feita através do Windows U...
Replace your SAP BW by leveraging Simplement and the Microsoft Azure Data Stack
May 02, 2018
Hi everyone! Let me introduce myself. My name is Alp Kaya. I work for Microsoft as a Data & AI technical presales in Ontario. This is my...
We are back today for part two of our four part series on conditional access scenarios for success. Today, we will discuss how to restrict ...
No más lecciones de cómputo en un pizarra: Estudiantes felices ahora aprenden en un laboratorio de cómputo
May 02, 2018
Publicado en Microsoft Asia News Center. El profesor Richard Appiah Akoto se convirtió en una sensación global de las redes sociales despu...
Recurso de bloqueio inteligente de extranet - Extranet Smart Lockout (ESL) Em 22 de março de 1818, uma nova atualização foi lançada para...
Tip of the Day: The Panther Folder Mystery
May 02, 2018
Today's tip... I’ve always wondered about the Panther directory myself. Perhaps this bit of trivia might also satisfy others with simil...
Chemie dorazila do Minecraftu
May 02, 2018
Hlínik se odstěhoval do Humpolce a chemie dorazila do Minecraftu. Další ze skvělých funkcí Minecraft: Education Edition a ukázka toho, že ga...
Windows 10 機能更新適用時に初期化される設定について
May 02, 2018
みなさま、こんにちは。 日本マイクロソフトの Setup / Deployment サポート チームです。 今回 Windows 10 の機能更新プログラムの適用に伴う事象について、ご紹介いたします。 機能更新プログラムを適用前には、ご一読をいただけますと幸いです。 ご存...
マイクロソフト第 3 四半期決算:お客様によるデジタルイノベーション
May 02, 2018
[ブログ投稿日:2018年4月26日] ジャドソン アルソフ ( Judson Althoff ) ワールドワイドコマーシャルビジネス担当 エグゼクティブバイスプレジデント マイクロソフトの第 3 四半期決算では、企業向けクラウドの収益は前年度比 58 パーセント増の ...
Hello All, This message just came across my inbox and I think you will find it very interesting…. Starting soon we will begin rolling out ...
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
PRODUCTS / COMPONENTS / SCENARIOS INVOLVED Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 Synchronization Service - FIM Service Management Agent Servic...
Case of the Hit or Miss Windows 10 Servicing Fail
May 01, 2018
Hello All, I hope this finds everyone well and gearing up for summer! As Windows 10 deployments accelerate and you successfully tackle bar...